For that I wish to give everyone who has sponsored me (or a member of the Crew) a huge shout out of thanks. I continue to be humbled, overwhelmed and inspired by all the messages of support and by the sponsors for the Bum Run.
I don't want to turn this blog into a plug or appeal for sponsors but with everything I have endured this past year in this battle with cancer, watching friends and loved ones lose their battle with this brutal illness, I have come to the perspective that I will do everything I can to support the cause in the fight against (colon) cancer whether it be taking care of my own health or supporting the Canadian Cancer Society as a patient ambassador.
This past weekend at the family cottage I even ran - twice - for the first time since before the surgery and chemotherapy. The runs were only about 2km ea. and I guess I shouldn't be shocked at how completely out of shape I am now...after all...the surgery, chemo, Neupogen injections, all took a heavy heavy toll on my body. But it felt sooooooooo good to put the ol' running shoes on, turn up the volume on my iPod and lose myself in the same mix I had setup for the half marathon I ran three years ago. I haven't been formally training for this event but have been kept busy by a very active eight-month old boy - my son Benjamin. He keeps me inspired to battle this brutal illness and along with my rock of a wife, Victoria, also keeps me focused on what is really important in life. And quite honestly I am inspired (and want to give a shout out) to my sister, Jodie who is training for a half marathon - after giving birth to three (beautiful) girls and the toll it took on her body. Hell when I watch her get up at the cottage where she is supposed to be enjoying her holidays and relaxing in the serenity of life up north and before having breakfast go out and run for 16km I figure I can do a measly two ;-) Way to go, Jod. You continue to make me shake my head in awe.
So for those that wish to sponsor me or a member of the Crew and help me beat our fundraising goals, please click the link http://my.myccc.ca/ Kickingthecrapcrew?SID= 3805246&LangPref=en-CA
I appreciate that charity is a very personal choice. If you choose to sponsor me or a member of the KTCC in the 2013 Bum Run for colon cancer Thank You! Perhaps more importantly thank you for being an honourary member of the Kicking the Crap Crew!!
This past weekend at the family cottage I even ran - twice - for the first time since before the surgery and chemotherapy. The runs were only about 2km ea. and I guess I shouldn't be shocked at how completely out of shape I am now...after all...the surgery, chemo, Neupogen injections, all took a heavy heavy toll on my body. But it felt sooooooooo good to put the ol' running shoes on, turn up the volume on my iPod and lose myself in the same mix I had setup for the half marathon I ran three years ago. I haven't been formally training for this event but have been kept busy by a very active eight-month old boy - my son Benjamin. He keeps me inspired to battle this brutal illness and along with my rock of a wife, Victoria, also keeps me focused on what is really important in life. And quite honestly I am inspired (and want to give a shout out) to my sister, Jodie who is training for a half marathon - after giving birth to three (beautiful) girls and the toll it took on her body. Hell when I watch her get up at the cottage where she is supposed to be enjoying her holidays and relaxing in the serenity of life up north and before having breakfast go out and run for 16km I figure I can do a measly two ;-) Way to go, Jod. You continue to make me shake my head in awe.
When I reflect personally on last year at this time while in chemotherapy treatment I remember barely having the physical stamina to walk the 5k much less run it - this year I am feeling so much stronger...I may even beat my last-place finish from last year ;-)
Wishing you all good health.