Friday, July 6, 2012

19.5 weeks, 10 ounces...and a girl!!!

So for this post I want to write about something completely different from cancer, side effects, my journey if you will. That will be for future posts. Nope. Today I want to simply share some wonderful news about an appointment Victoria and I had ultrasound at 19.5 weeks. We were both hoping that our baby would show as developing normally and healthily and if possible we wanted to know the gender...just because. I guess we wanted to put our whole "Benjamin" vs "Charlotte or Sophie" debate to rest ;-).

And while I waited for what seemed like ages in the waiting room until the technician called me into the room I found myself getting a little anxious admittedly as to why it was taking so long for me to be allowed in to see my wife. I also found myself reflecting on how special and amazing this experience was to be for us in light of all that we have been through over the past several months...but really hoping and believing that all would be positive with this ultrasound.

And the results are in...the baby is 10 ounces, approximately 19.5 weeks along, and shows 10 toes on 2 feet, 10 fingers on two arms, has two eyes, lips and a mouth...and what appears to be the unique parts of a little girl! Or at least the technician is 90% certain that we are having a girl. We are absolutely thrilled. It is truly a miraculous gift that we have that is blessing us. What an amazingly and wonderfully powerfully positive thing to embrace and focus on.

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