Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 2 of Treatment 7: Neutrophils, platelets, and same old same old

Let's start this post off with the good news...I am healthy enough according to my bloodwork to undergo Treatment #7! delay in treatment which is the ultimate goal.  And, more good neutrophil count has rebounded to a more healthy level from the previous treatment cycle which was showing as just barely above the threshold for treatment (  Remember, neutrophils are the component of white blood cells which are essential elements of the body's immune response and ability to fight infection / illnesses.  Should they fall below the threshold I would be too immune compromised to continue treatments without intervention to increase the neutrophils count and increase the white blood cell count overall.  Neupogen injections would have to be administered for several days to get the counts up.  Yikes...although I have heard from a friend and cancer patient that these injections are not as bad as they sound but do result in some bone pain (from the impact on the bone marrow).  Thanks, Nancy for making me feel better about this possibility!!!

The bad news is that the bloodwork for this cycle shows a pretty significant drop in platelets from previous blood tests.  Like the neutrophils the count is not lower than the threshold they intervene but represents enough of a drop to alert them and be prepared to intervene. The count came back at approx 90 so if it drops to below 80 (I think) then they may intervene.  The side effects to low platelets are increased risk of bleeding even internally and fatigue, headaches which may explain the constant headache I had for three days during the last cycle that even forced me to bed for a day.  If I understand correctly the intervention is blood transfusions but in discussing with my Oncology nurse, Francia, she has not had a patient on FOLFOX alone with my health profile ever requiring blood transfusions so let's hope that I don't become her first.  The pressing question that is going through my mind though is this - is the drop in platelets a direct result of the FOLFOX / chemotherapy or could it be the result of the cancer??? Her answer was that is was because of the chemo drugs which are attacking the bone marrow and platelets as a result.  Admittedly I cross my fingers and pray that she is right.

Anyway enough talk about neutrophils, platelets etc.  7 treatments down, well almost done, and 5 more to go. I was surprised by a wonderful gift from my Aunt Diana and Uncle John yesterday that arrived in the mail on the morning of my visit to the hospital for treatment.  What a wonderful and much needed gift of golf shirts and a truly inspiring note within.  Thanks Aunt Diana and Uncle John for putting a smile on my face on an otherwise bad day and for all the support and coaching me through this journey.  It means so much to me.  And today I had a great talk with my good friend and colleague, Sevag, - it was really good to reconnect with him.  He caught me up on all the great things I am "missing" at the office these days.  Thanks, Sevag for picking up my spirits today - just what I needed.

I said goodbye to my tastebuds last night - hope to have them return soon. I hate the taste of my teeth. I am really really tired, my stomach is completely off - no appetite, hiccups are present, and some wicked heartburn earlier today.  Nothing that a good night's sleep won't fix nestled up beside my infusion bottle ;-)

Oh well, Victoria and I are hoping to get away again up north to the cottage this weekend for some more R&R and this time we hope to be well enough and the weather will co-operate to take a day trip in Tobermory on a boat cruise either to Flowerpot Island, glass-bottom boat cruise or maybe a romantic sunset cruise.  It's amazing that I have been going up to the Bruce for about six years now and have never gone on any of the excursions out of is as good a time as ever I say!  We are hoping to go up on Sunday to meet my sister, Jodie, and her family up there to spend some time with them.  I really hope that I am feeling well enough to head up Sunday - we haven't had an opportunity to spend a lot of time with them unlike previous summers - so we're really looking forward to it.

Lastly, a huge shout out to all of you that have sponsored me in the Bum Run for Colon Cancer coming up August 26 in TO or another team member of the Kicking the Crap Crew (  We are the second highest fundraising team so far and I am hoping to be number one.  After all, the cause is so close to my heart...or butt to be more precise.  We are still welcoming sponsors, donations, and team members if you are  up for it.  Thanks all for your overwhelming support - it keeps me so focused on the positive!

So it may be a few days until my next post.  It's tough to blog from the cottage with the connectivity challenges.  Maybe a jaunt into town to the public library and their free wireless is called for....Victoria can indulge in a delightful treat from The Sweet Shop (boy the 6 month mark of pregnancy is really bringing out some amazing cravings - from licorice, to sour patch kids, to ice cream, to chips, to Reese pieces and all in one sitting ;-)) and I can sip on my organic green tea and I can blog away.

Until then, I hope everyone is well and stays well.  Positive energy to all.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Dave,
    Don't worry TOO much about the platlets - mine have been low the last several treatments but have rebounded as well. They were down as low as 94 and were up to 100 two weeks ago. My legs looks like I have repeatedly punched myself in the shins, calves and thighs - big bruises everywhere that take forever to go away. (Not very pretty in a dress, but whatever.) It also doesn't help that because of the neuropathy in my feet, I have lost a lot of sensation and therefore balance has become an issue - at times funny one, but mostly just frustrating. Oh could always be worse, right? I hope you are double dosing on your PPI on days when the heartburn is bad - when it was at it's worst for me I thought I would go crazy. But it only lasted three treatments and now I rarely if ever get it. I have been looking for the Jason Mouthwash you mentioned - only at Zehr's and Shopper's - haven't been able to find it but Tim is going to look for it for me this week at a health food store. Is that where you get it?

  2. Hey, Barb. Thanks for the reassuring words about the is weird that my fatigue level was higher this time around and was feeling really "shakey" I guess is the best way to describe it. A simple walk up the stairs would tire me out for a couple of days there and left me feeling very very unbalanced. Anyway, I am feeling stronger now 6 days in so I think I have turned the corner for this treatment.

    The Jason mouthwash I have found at multiple health food stores in the area. i have never looked for it at a chain store since I just assumed they don't carry it.

    That completely sucks about your continued neuropathy. Mine is bad but not nearly what you sound like you are experiencing. Let's hope that it goes away once all your treatments stop.

    Hope you are well otherwise. Thinking of you often.
