Wow...what a response I got from this post about my diet and supplement strategy...some of you have even been so kind as to send me links to websites for other alternative therapies, suggestions for adding to my regimen (thanks, Meag! - keep 'em coming!!!!!). Please know that I appreciate every suggestion and link and forwarded message even if I don't incorporate the suggest therapy myself or even challenge it. I am an information junkie these days. I research and surf the web whenever someone points me to information or an article or a paper or a blog or an opinion to support my battle with cancer. I strongly believe that I have to be my strongest advocate and knowledge is power.
I don't agree with everything I read. If I did I would stick to an all-asparagus diet since apparently it cures cancer. But the pharma companies, the government and the doctors don't want us to know this as it wouldn't be good for business, right?. It is hard to convey sarcasm in written text but it is there. I don't mean any disrespect to those cancer battlers who put faith in these alternative therapies and believe that they have produced positive results...after all, the most important thing of all is what you believe in. If you believe it to be true it is your reality, your truth. So although I read everything with a grain of salt I do glean my own truth and create my own unique and personal "battle plan". I consult with my Oncologist and my Naturopath and I defer to their respective expertise. We are a team. We are all working in my best interest to kick the crap out of my cancer. But I do not hesitate to bring something to them for discussion - especially if I believe that there is enough "truth" to be discussed.

Anyway....I am ranting again as I am apt to do...I really just wanted to continue my previous post which outlined my diet since I left out some things....
Read more:
So...let me list those fruits and vegetables from the "Rainbow" that I have incorporated into my diet and consume regularly:
Reds: peppers, strawberries, apples, tomatoes, raspberries
Orange: peppers, carrots
Yellow: peppers, lemons, bananas, onions
Green: peppers, apples, kale, broccoli, brussel sprouts, spinach, swiss chard, cucumbers, asparagus, avacadoes, green matcha tea powder, green tea, wheatgrass powder
Purple/black: blackberries, beets
Blue: Blueberries
You remember the old rhyme from your childhood?
Beans, beans, they're good for your heart
the more you eat the more you fart
the more you fart the better you feel
beans, beans for every meal.
Well...Victoria may disapprove of the results of a high fibre / legume rich diet but I make it a point to add legumes and pulses to my diet and try to consume at least two or three helpings a week. I add chick peas and lentils to my quinoa salads and I use red kidney beans and chick peas in my chili. Legumes are a great source of protein and fibre which is important for my anti-cancer diet and contain lots of great vitamins and minerals such as the B Vitamins and folate and are rich in anti-oxidants.
I also eat almonds and pumpkin seeds regularly - rich in good fat and high in nutrients such as iron.
Occasionally I will use coconut oil for cooking eggs and daily I consume 2 tablespoons of organic virgin coconut oil straight up. I also have no issue with using organic unsalted butter for cooking. Avacadoes are also in. Organic cold-pressed flax oil is also in. Bring on the mono and poly unsaturated fats!!!
Plants oils such as vegetable, corn, safflower, canola are all OUT.
Soybean oil is OUT.
Margarine even if it is Becel or Celeb is OUT.
But before you go on thinking that I have a completely strict and pure diet I also believe in indulging and rewarding myself with a cheat meal or treat every now and then...McD's chicken McNuggets are my weakness...shhhhh....don't tell my Naturopath.
I don't agree with everything I read. If I did I would stick to an all-asparagus diet since apparently it cures cancer. But the pharma companies, the government and the doctors don't want us to know this as it wouldn't be good for business, right?. It is hard to convey sarcasm in written text but it is there. I don't mean any disrespect to those cancer battlers who put faith in these alternative therapies and believe that they have produced positive results...after all, the most important thing of all is what you believe in. If you believe it to be true it is your reality, your truth. So although I read everything with a grain of salt I do glean my own truth and create my own unique and personal "battle plan". I consult with my Oncologist and my Naturopath and I defer to their respective expertise. We are a team. We are all working in my best interest to kick the crap out of my cancer. But I do not hesitate to bring something to them for discussion - especially if I believe that there is enough "truth" to be discussed.
Anyway....I am ranting again as I am apt to do...I really just wanted to continue my previous post which outlined my diet since I left out some things....
Somewhere over the Rainbow
I believe in the "Rainbow Diet" or at least a Dave Brown version of it. From, the Rainbow Diet is named for its inclusion of a variety of foods that have wide-ranging colors. In particular, fruits and vegetables rich in deep hues, such as reds, yellows, oranges, purples and greens should form the foundation of a healthy diet. In addition to being low-calorie, a source of dietary fiber and all-natural, fresh produce is a source of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals needed for normal body functions and a healthy immune system. Furthermore, fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants, which help protect against diseases and certain cancers. Include a rainbow of colored vegetables in your diet plan, such as red apples, strawberries and red bell peppers; dark, leafy greens; blueberries and onions; squashes and citrus fruitsRead more:
So...let me list those fruits and vegetables from the "Rainbow" that I have incorporated into my diet and consume regularly:
Reds: peppers, strawberries, apples, tomatoes, raspberries
Orange: peppers, carrots
Yellow: peppers, lemons, bananas, onions
Green: peppers, apples, kale, broccoli, brussel sprouts, spinach, swiss chard, cucumbers, asparagus, avacadoes, green matcha tea powder, green tea, wheatgrass powder
Purple/black: blackberries, beets
Blue: Blueberries
Legumes and pulses, nuts and seeds
Beans, beans, they're good for your heart
the more you eat the more you fart
the more you fart the better you feel
beans, beans for every meal.
Well...Victoria may disapprove of the results of a high fibre / legume rich diet but I make it a point to add legumes and pulses to my diet and try to consume at least two or three helpings a week. I add chick peas and lentils to my quinoa salads and I use red kidney beans and chick peas in my chili. Legumes are a great source of protein and fibre which is important for my anti-cancer diet and contain lots of great vitamins and minerals such as the B Vitamins and folate and are rich in anti-oxidants.
I also eat almonds and pumpkin seeds regularly - rich in good fat and high in nutrients such as iron.
Fats and Oils
I really only use a couple of oils for either cooking or using as a dressing in salads - either extra virgin olive oil or unrefined sesame oil (for Asian cooking). Check out this article that espouses the benefits of olive oil and you will see why I favour it so oils such as vegetable, corn, safflower, canola are all OUT.
Soybean oil is OUT.
Margarine even if it is Becel or Celeb is OUT.
But before you go on thinking that I have a completely strict and pure diet I also believe in indulging and rewarding myself with a cheat meal or treat every now and then...McD's chicken McNuggets are my weakness...shhhhh....don't tell my Naturopath.