This post is for all of you that have asked me about my diet, or have respectfully tried to accommodate my confusing dietary choices whether it be for family meals or dinners out or food drop-offs for Victoria and I. Just recently my family planned a wonderful dinner to celebrate all the January birthdays in the family ('cause that's what the Browns do!) and we tried to plan a meal to accommodate everyone...those with gluten-free diets, my dietary restrictions, kids with their own unique likes and dislikes...and what a challenge that can be in my large family. A shout out to my family who respects and tries to accommodate all - sometimes resulting in multiple meals being prepared to please everyone. I think personally that there is a lot of confusion over what I can or cannot eat...or rather choose or choose not to eat...after all it's not easily categorized like some diets. Oh it would be nice to just say..I follow the paleo diet, or I am a vegan, or a lacto-vegan...something that at least brings a more concrete definition to it...but those that know me know that I like to make things complicated ;-)
Back in July last year I posted about meeting with my Naturopathic medicine doctor and detailing a food and supplement strategy - but at the time to help manage through the chemotherapy treatment and all its wonderful side effects. Our plan was designed to complement and not conflict with the chemotherapy regimen so certain supplements and treatment approaches were a no-go especially on days immediately before, during and after treatments. I point to two supplements as examples: pro-biotics and bovine colostrum. There is some debate over introducing flora into the system of someone who is immune compromised as I was for so long so we decided against it until after treatments were complete. The same can be said for bovine colostrum as we decided to wait using this natural immune boosting / stimulating supplement until we were assured that there would be no conflict with the chemotherapy and Neupogen therapy. My Oncologist and I agreed to hold off adding any new supplements or natural therapies to my arsenal until at least one month to six weeks after my last infusion. So...after my blood analysis in December which gave my team a picture of the recovery status of my immune system and red blood cells/platelets. When we saw that the immune system was recovering nicely we agreed to add the pro-biotic and colostrum supplements to my regimen. case you were curious as to my "diet"...what is in and goes....
Sugar - (still) OUT. No sugar, no sweeteners unless naturally in a food (i.e. fruit) and even then I try and keep to foods that are lower in sugars or is lower in terms of GI (glycemic index). My lay person's understanding continues to be that the goal is to deprive the cancer cells of their energy source. I have since substituted sugar in my coffee for agave syrup (organic and raw). It actually takes sweet and has a very low GI.
Since last August I have added back kefir (low fat organic kefir) to get great nutrients and pro-biotic value. I have also added back plain greek yogurt to the mix...the way that plain greek yogurt is made seems to not trigger an inflammatory response in the GI tract and colon AND has great protein and calcium.
White Starch - OUT. Any starch that quickly converts to sugar in the body such as
Beef? Yes - if in my control I keep to pastured, grass-fed beef. Believe me it is hard to find and quite pricey but I strictly avoid the feedlot beef or the corn-fed beef in most grocery stores.
Chicken / Turkey? Yes - free range, organic
Fish? Yes - wild salmon, wild trout or wild whitefish. Farm raised ONLY if organic. No shellfish, no bottom-feeding fish.
Pork? NO...and man I miss my bacon on the weekends!
So what else is in then?
i) Garlic, onions, lots of spices and herbs like basil, ginger, turmeric, cumin, cayenne, oregano, cilantro, cinnamon. Victoria and I are reallllllllyyyyyyyy digging the cilantro these days - I put it in my quinoa salad. Yum!
ii) Dark green veg with every meal if possible / cruciferous veg - I eat lots of broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower (thanks, Jeff for the great baked cauliflower recipe - Vic and I love it), spinach, swiss chard, bok choy...etc.
iii) Fruits - blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and raspberries. Almost daily. And occasionally I will add half an organic banana and grannysmith apple to a health drink I consume throughout the day.
iv) Green tea and LOTS of it. I have really gotten into Japanese green teas like sencha, genmaicha, matcha and drink on average three to four cups a day. long as it is organic. According to my ND, coffee beans are one of the more polluted foods with pesticide sprays so organic is a must.
v) Cacao (raw) or raw chocolate powder, Dark chocolate (as long as it is organic and minimum 75% cacao) and the occasional glass of red wine for its resveratrol (that's my story and I am sticking to it ;-))
Recently I have begun preparing a liquid shake which I drink throughout the day incorporating:
- one scoop (37g) whey protein
- 2 scoops of Douglas Labs Greens and Reds powder which is full of phytonutrients and anti-oxidants
- a cup of almond milk unsweetened vanilla
- two to three cups water
- half an organic grannysmith apple
- half an organic banana for sweetness
- two tablespoons raw cocao powder
- one tablespoon sprouted flax and chia seeds
- one cup of frozen mixed berries - strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries
- one cup of 0% fat Kefir (for pro-biotics)
- one cup of spinach
- one tablespoon of matcha powder
I take a lot of is my current roster:- Curcumin with (1000mg 3X daily)
- Douglas Labs Greens and Reds (2 scoops a day)
- Coconut Oil Organic Virgin (One tbsp 2X daily)
- Probiotics
My ND and I are currently exploring a super-immune stimulator by AOR called Immune Ultra which is engineered specifically for those of us with cancer who are trying to prevent metastases and to encourage apoptosis (cancerous cell death). This may replace some of the others listed above.
So...not much special here ;-) Easy to understand, right?! I bet you cannot wait to invite me over for dinner.
Seriously though...anyone have a great tasting whole wheat, dairy-free, lasagna recipe?
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