Friday, October 6, 2017

T minus one month and counting!

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Hello?  Hello.  Yes it's me.  I am still here.  Still here and still kicking the crap out of colon cancer.  Let me repeat...Kicking...the...CRAP...Out...of...Colon...Cancer.

That feels good to write.  That feels good to SHOUT.  Even better it feels good to be kicking the crap out of colon cancer.

You may be wondering where I have been...or why the heck would I be blogging again after over two years of being silent?  Or why did I stop writing?  I was pretty active for so long posting about my journey...and then just kind of...stopped. Went least on the blog.  

Related imageThere is no big story here...I just stopped.  I guess there was a part of me that felt that I was starting to get to "the other side of things" in my battle with cancer.  It wasn't consuming me nearly as much as it had been.  I was less and less identifying myself as a cancer patient despite the regular blood tests, the CT scans, the meetings with my Onc.  Certainly I have still been very vocal and active with the Bum Run, with sharing my story with people in different forums than my very personal blog.  And I will continue to do so.  But I think mentally I have moved to a very different space now with each day, with each month, with each year that goes by and I begin to put colon cancer...behind me (pun intended ;-))  

So why write now? Maybe there is a higher power at work here...within the last week and out of the blue two people in my life have reached out to me about my blog.  Both have told me that my blog has made an impact on them or people in their life who have read it and connected with me through it...and have been positively impacted in some way by reading it.  It is humbling and overwhelming at the same time.  My blog was always something I was doing for me...for my therapy...for me to chronicle my journey with this damn thing called cancer. 

Quick "catch you up on the past two and a half years":

  • In March of this year I recognized 5 years from the date when Dr. Hart removed the cancerous tumour in my sigmoid.
  • In April Victoria and I celebrated 5 years of marriage.  5 years!!!  5 is a magic number for reasons than one.
  • In June I reviewed the results of my latest CT scan with Dr. Lingas and I continue to be CANCER FREE.  Still keeping an eye on those things on my lungs and especially on the liver but no Change is Good News

In September, my beautiful son Benjamin started SK French Immersion and I could NOT be more proud of the boy he is.

Next up:  November will be 5 years from last chemo round.  5 years post chemo.  A very big December I will have hopefully my LAST CT scan for post-chemo surveillance.  And after that...I will celebrate.  Probably shed a few tears but more likely will wipe those tears away with a tall glass of the most expensive red wine in my collection will hug my wife, Victoria, and my son, Benjamin, and will give THANKS.

So I will continue to post...even if just to let people know that I am STILL ALIVE.  I am still kicking colon cancer's ass. Again - pun intended.

That's all for now.