Tuesday, October 2, 2012

And the survey says...I mean Surgeon says...

So yesterday I met with my Surgeon, Dr. Hart, for my post-CT scan, 6 month post-surgery, follow-up.  I went into yesterday's meeting buoyed by my meeting with Dr. Lingas (my Oncologist) the previous Thursday but still anxious...anxious that Dr. Hart and Dr. Lingas are on the same page and that my CT scan showed nothing of worry to my operating surgeon, to the doctor that had originally resected my colon with urgency in  March and intervened upon diagnosis on that fateful day in March.  Although I emotionally was so relieved on Thursday I spent the entire weekend processing the CT scan printout, processing the discussion with Dr. Lingas, processing these "anomalies" on my lungs and liver and trying really hard not to worry.  Unfortunately I physically felt lousy this past weekend as the Neupogen injections really hit me hard this time around...or at least I blame it on the injections to stimulate my bone marrow to produce WBCs / neutrophils.  Maybe it is that my platelets have dropped considerably (81 on the last blood analysis) and are approaching danger zone territory.  Whatever the cause my lower back and spine were in constant spasm, my hips and legs ached, and my appetite wasn't great.  Tylenol would only take the edge off my bone and nervous system pain.  But such is my life these days - only 2 more treatments and rounds of injections to manage through.  Bring 'em on.

Within moments of seeing Dr. Hart I was at ease.  He suggested that in light of what he saw on the scan that there was nothing to worry about and that next surveillance from a surgical / post-surgery perspective would be a colonoscopy next March - exactly one year from original diagnosis and surgery.  He also suggested that  our respective meetings from this point on were really just social visits since there was nothing clinical to discuss - the CT scan, the bloodwork, all are pointing to good news at this stage.

So...now that my appetite has returned and I have received great news from both my Oncologist AND my Surgeon I think it is time Victoria and I really celebrate...with a good meal out...maybe Indian....after all we both LOVE Indian cuisine and it is cancer friendly with all its spice.

In terms of upcoming treatment(s) that is really the only bad news we received this past week.  Unfortunately as I indicated previously my platelets have dropped to the lowest point for me during chemo and there is a pretty good chance that my next treatment will be delayed for some time until they rebound.  I will go in for bloodwork before the weekend to see if indeed the platelets will be too low for treatment scheduled on Tuesday following the Thanksgiving weekend.  Hopefully the delay will only be a few days and let's get it done with sooner rather than later.  I so badly want to recover some strength before our baby is born and really " be there" for Victoria and our newborn.  After all November 27 (our official due date) is just around the corner....

In honour of the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend I hope that everyone who has taken the time to stop by and read my blog finds themselves surrounded by family, friends, love and laughter and finds something that they are truly thankful for and acknowledges it.  I know I am thankful for so much now that this will truly be a celebration and a time for me to give thanks

1 comment:

  1. Dave,
    Hang in there. I need you to lead the way for Bum Run 2013. Congratulations to you and your wife for your soon to arrive bundle of joy.

    Ian Bookman
